You Can’t Always Get What You Want

8 Apr

 Last September, I scored an amazing job. Like dream job for anyone who is interested in technology or social media. Yes, it was contract. Yes, the contract had an open-ended date. but c’mon, it was for one of the best companies in the world. Then in February (almost 6 months later for those of you counting), I was told that 5 days later my tenure was up. My product was changing cost centers and I was no longer wanted or needed. I spent those 5 days furiously networking, while keeping up with the what remained of the super demanding job that I loved.

Those 5 days were hard, but the past 5 weeks have been a lot harder. I gave up a somewhat successful consulting business to take this opportunity and it was over. I was part of a nerd culture and a team that spoke my language and now there’s just a huge void.  I’m not sure where I’m going now, or even if social and interactive media is even what I’m supposed to be doing. All of this uncertainty has led me down depression lane. The kind where you don’t even want to post on your own social networks for fear of alienating cyber and IRL friends/phriends.

So what do you do when your passion becomes your livelihood and your aren’t feeling so lively anymore?

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